Washington, D.C.  20549

                                      FORM 10-Q

                                     (Mark One)

            X Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
            Securities Exchange Act of 1934

            For the period ended December 30, 2000


               Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
            Securities Exchange Act of 1934

            Commission File Number:   0-14616

                               J & J SNACK FOODS CORP.
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

            (State or other jurisdiction of         (I.R.S. Employer
             incorporation or organization)         Identification No.)

                     6000 Central Highway, Pennsauken, NJ 08109
                      (Address of principal executive offices)

                              Telephone (856) 665-9533

                 Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has
            filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or
            15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the
            preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
            registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has
            been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90

                      X  Yes                           No

            As of January 15, 2001, there were 8,427,211 shares of the
            Registrant's Common Stock outstanding.


            Part I.   Financial Information

               Item 1. Consolidated Financial Statements

                  Consolidated Balance Sheets - December 30, 2000
                   (unaudited) and September 30, 2000              3

                  Consolidated Statements of Earnings - Three
                   Months Ended December 30, 2000 and December
                   25, 1999 (unaudited)                            5

                  Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - Three
                    Months Ended December 30, 2000 and December
                    25, 1999 (unaudited)                           6

                  Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements   7

               Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                           Financial Condition and Results of
                           Operations                             12

               Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures
                           About Market Risk                      14

            Part II.  Other Information

               Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K          15

                            PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

            Item 1.     Consolidated Financial Statements

                      J & J SNACK FOODS CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                             CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                   (in thousands)
                                         December 30,   September 30,
                                            2000           2000
            Current assets
             Cash and cash equivalents     $  3,231       $  1,379
             Accounts receivable             25,832         33,626
             Inventories                     24,902         21,473
             Prepaid expenses and other       2,056          1,418

                                             56,021         57,896
            Property, plant and equipment,
              at cost
              Land                              795            795
              Buildings                       5,586          5,586
              Plant machinery and
               equipment                     84,226         75,817
              Marketing equipment           156,821        156,093
              Transportation equipment        2,095          2,043
              Office equipment                7,179          6,981
              Improvements                   14,384         12,705
              Construction in progress        1,384          1,304
                                            272,470        261,324

                Less accumulated deprecia-
                   tion and amortization    158,498        152,155

                                            113,972        109,169
            Other assets
              Goodwill, trademarks and
               rights,less accumulated
               amortization                  48,089         48,768
               Long term investment
                securities held to
                maturity                      1,550          1,620
              Sundry                          2,641          2,586
                                             52,280         52,974
                                           $222,273       $220,039

            See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial


                       CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS - Continued
                                   (in thousands)

              LIABILITIES AND            December 30, September 30,
            STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY             2000        2000

            Current liabilities
              Current maturities of
                long-term debt            $ 10,119   $   2,186
              Accounts payable              21,640      24,913
              Accrued liabilities            7,245       8,728

                                            39,004      35,827

            Long-term debt, less
              current maturities            43,523      42,481
            Deferred income taxes            8,340       8,340
            Other long-term liabilities         88         117
                                            51,951      50,938

            Stockholders' equity
              Capital stock
                Preferred, $1 par value;
                   authorized, 5,000,000
                  shares; none issued           -          -
                Common, no par value;
                   authorized 25,000
                   shares; issued and
                   outstanding, 8,416
                   and 8,522,respectively   27,178      28,403
            Accumulated other comprehen-
              sive income                   (1,654)     (1,616)
            Retained earnings              105,794     106,487

                                           131,318     133,274
                                          $222,273    $220,039

            See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial


                      J & J SNACK FOODS CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES

                      (in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                        December 30, December 25,
                                           2000        1999

            Net Sales                     $70,070    $65,506

            Cost of goods sold             36,052     33,381

              Gross profit                 34,018     32,125

            Operating expenses
              Marketing                    24,365     21,154
              Distribution                  6,305      5,901
              Administrative                3,105      2,791
              Amortization of
               intangibles and
               deferred costs                 681        745
                                           34,456     30,591

            Operating (loss) income          (438)     1,534

            Other income (deductions)
              Investment income                81        136
              Interest expense               (786)      (686)
              Sundry                           43         73

              (Loss) earnings before
               income taxes                (1,100)     1,057

            Income taxes                     (407)       391

              NET (LOSS) EARNINGS         $  (693)   $   666

            (Loss) earnings per diluted
               share                        $(.08)     $ .07

            Weighted average number
              of diluted shares             8,419      9,381

            (Loss) earnings per basic share $(.08)     $ .07

            Weighted average number
              of basic shares               8,419      9,004

            See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements


                      J & J SNACK FOODS CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                             (Unaudited) (in thousands)

                                              December 30, December 25,
                                                 2000        1999
            Operating activities:
              Net (loss) earnings                $  (693)   $  666
            Adjustments to reconcile net (loss)
             earnings to net cash provided
             by operating activities:
              Depreciation and amortization
               of fixed assets                     7,404     6,354
              Amortization of intangibles            844       911
              Other adjustments                      (9)      (48)
              Changes in assets and liabilities,
               net of effects from purchase of
                 Decrease in accounts receivable   7,723     3,542
                  Increase in inventories         (3,232)   (1,132)
                 Increase in prepaid expenses       (638)     (731)
                 Decrease in accounts payable
                  and accrued liabilities         (4,640)   (1,676)
              Net cash provided by operating
               activities                          6,759     7,886
            Investing activities:
             Purchase of property, plant
              and equipment                       (3,291)   (7,177)
             Payments for purchases of
              companies, net of cash
              acquired and debt assumed           (9,414)   (1,280)
             Proceeds from investments
              held to maturity                        70       185
             Other                                   119        68
             Net cash used in investing
               activities                        (12,516)   (8,204)
            Financing activities:
             Proceeds from issuance of stock          34       102
             Proceeds from borrowings             13,000     3,000
             Payments to repurchase common stock  (1,400)      (19)
             Payments of long-term debt           (4,025)   (7,025)
              Net cash provided by(used in)
               financing activities                7,609    (3,942)
              Net increase (decrease) in cash
               and cash equivalents                1,852    (4,260)
            Cash and cash equivalents at
             beginning of period                   1,379     5,945
            Cash and cash equivalents at
             end of period                       $ 3,231    $1,685

            See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial



            Note 1  In the opinion of management, the accompanying
                    unaudited consolidated financial statements contain
                    all adjustments (consisting of only normal recurring
                    adjustments) necessary to present fairly the
                    financial position and the results of operations and
                    cash flows.  Certain prior year amounts have been
                    reclassified to conform to the current period
                    presentation.  These reclassifications had no effect
                    on reported net earnings.

                    The results of operations for the three months ended
                    December 30, 2000 and December 25, 1999 are not
                    necessarily indicative of results for the full year.
                    Sales of the Company's retail stores are generally
                    higher in the first quarter due to the holiday
                    shopping season.  Sales of the Company's frozen
                    beverages and frozen juice bars and ices are
                    generally higher in the third and fourth quarters
                    due to warmer weather.

                    While the Company believes that the disclosures
                    presented are adequate to make the information not
                    misleading, it is suggested that these consolidated
                    financial statements be read in conjunction with the
                    consolidated financial statements and the notes
                    included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K
                    for the year ended September 30, 2000.

            Note 2  The Company's calculation of earnings per share in
                    accordance with SFAS No. 128, "Earnings Per Share,"
                    is as follows:


                                  Three Months Ended December 30, 2000
                                     Income        Shares   Per Share
                                   (Numerator) (Denominator)   Amount
                               (in thousands, except per share amounts)

           Basic EPS
           Net Loss available
            to common stockholders    $  (693)   8,419         $(.08)

           Effect of Dilutive Securities
           Options*                         -        -             -

           Diluted EPS
           Net Loss available to
            common stockholders plus
            assumed conversions       $  (693)   8,419        $(.08)

           *No effect was given to the options as inclusion would be

                                  Three Months Ended December 25, 1999
                                     Income       Shares   Per Share
                                   (Numerator) (Denominator)   Amount
                              (in thousands, except per share amounts)

           Basic EPS
           Net Income available
            to common stockholders    $  666      9,004       $.07

           Effect of Dilutive Securities
           Options                        -        377          -

           Diluted EPS
           Net Income available to common
            stockholders plus assumed
            conversions               $  666      9,381       $.07

            Note 3 Inventories consist of the following:

                                            December 30, September 30,
                                               2000         2000
                                                 (in thousands)

                   Finished goods           $13,537     $10,714
                   Raw materials              2,378       2,136
                   Packaging materials        2,825       2,532
                   Equipment parts & other    6,162       6,091
                                            $24,902     $21,473


             Note 4 Using the guidelines set forth in SFAS No. 131, the
                    Company has two reportable segments: Snack Foods and
                    Frozen Beverages.  Snack Foods manufactures and
                    distributes snack foods and bakery items.  Frozen
                    Beverages markets and distributes frozen beverage
                    products.  The segments are managed as strategic
                    business units due to their distinct production
                    processes and capital requirements.

                    The Company evaluates each segment's performance
                    based on income or loss before taxes, excluding
                    corporate and other unallocated expenses and non-
                    recurring charges.  Information regarding the
                    operations in these reportable segments is as
                                       Three Months Ended
                                  December 30,    December 25,
                                      2000            1999
                                         (in thousands)
              Snack Foods            $ 50,577     $ 45,638
              Frozen Beverages         20,077       20,312
                                     $ 70,654     $ 65,950

            Depreciation and Amortization:
              Snack Foods            $  4,001     $  3,384
              Frozen Beverages          4,247        3,881
                                     $  8,248     $  7,265

            (Loss) Earnings Before Taxes:
              Snack Foods            $  1,814     $  3,360
              Frozen Beverages         (2,914)      (2,303)
                                     $ (1,100)    $  1,057

            Capital Expenditures:
              Snack Foods            $  1,731     $  2,440
              Frozen Beverages          1,560        4,737
                                     $  3,291     $  7,177

              Snack Foods            $125,419     $106,603
              Frozen Beverages         96,854      102,113
                                     $222,273     $208,716

                    Sales to a single Snack Foods' customer were 11% of
                    the Company's sales for the period ending December
                    25, 1999.


             Note 5 In June 1998, SFAS No. 133 "Accounting for
                    Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" was
                    issued.  Subsequent to this statement, SFAS No. 137
                    was issued, which amended the effective date of SFAS
                    No. 133 to be all fiscal quarters of all fiscal
                    years beginning after June 15, 2000. In June 2000,
                    SFAS 138 was issued, "Accounting for Certain
                    Derivative Instruments and Certain Hedging
                    Activities, an amendment of SFAS 133".  SFAS 133, as
                    amended by SFAS 138, requires that all derivative
                    instruments be recorded on the balance sheet at
                    their respective fair values.  Changes in the fair
                    value of derivatives are recorded each period in
                    current earnings or other comprehensive income,
                    depending on the designation of the hedge
                    transaction.  The Company adopted SFAS 133, as
                    amended by SFAS 138, in the first quarter of fiscal
                    year 2001. Based on the Company's minimal use of
                    derivatives at the current time, the adoption of
                    this standard did not have a significant impact on
                    earnings or financial position of the Company.

                    In December 1999, the Securities and Exchange
                    Commission issued Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 101,
                    Revenue Recognition in Financial Statements (SAB
                    101) which addresses certain criteria for revenue
                    recognition.  SAB 101, as amended by SAB 101A and
                    SAB 101B, outlines the criteria that must be met to
                    recognize revenue and provides guidance for
                    disclosures related to revenue recognition policies.
                    The Company implemented the applicable provisions of
                    SAB 101 as amended by SAB 101A in the first quarter
                    of fiscal year 2001.  Management believes the
                    Company's revenue recognition policies comply with
                    the guidance contained in the SAB and, therefore,
                    the Company's results of operations were not
                    materially affected.

                    In May 2000, The Emerging Issues Task Force reached
                    consensus opinions on Issue 00-14, "Accounting for
                    Certain Sales Incentives (Issue 00-14)".  Issue 00-
                    14 pertains to the recognition, measurement, and
                    income statement classification of certain sales
                    incentives, including discounts, coupons, rebates,
                    and free products or services received by the


                    customer.  The issue requires certain incentives to
                    be classified as a reduction of revenue.  The
                    Company reclassed approximately $584,000 and
                    $444,000 of sales incentives from marketing expense
                    to reduction of sales in the three months ended
                    December 30, 2000 and December 25, 1999,


            Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                    Financial Condition and Results of Operations

            Liquidity and Capital Resources

                 The Company's current cash and marketable securities
            balances and cash expected to be provided by future
            operations are its primary sources of liquidity.  The
            Company believes that these sources, along with its
            borrowing capacity, are sufficient to fund future growth
            and expansion.

                 In the quarters ended December 30, 2000 and December
            25, 1999 fluctuations in the valuation of the Mexican peso
            caused a decrease of $38,000 and a decrease of $10,000 in
            stockholders' equity because of the revaluation of the net
            assets of the Company's Mexican frozen beverage subsidiary.

                 In November 2000, the Company acquired the assets of
            Uptown Bakeries for cash.  Uptown Bakeries, located in
            Bridgeport, NJ, is a fresh bakery products manufacturer
            with approximately $17,000,000 in annual sales.

                 In December 2000, the Company refinanced its unsecured
            term loan and its general-purpose bank credit line with a
            general purpose unsecured bank credit line of $60,000,000.
            The new agreement contains restrictive covenants and
            requires commitment fees in accordance with standard
            banking practice.  Borrowings under the line at December
            30, 2000 were $48,000,000.

                 In the quarter ended December 30, 2000, the Company
            purchased and retired 109,300 shares of its common stock at
            a cost of $1,400,000.  Under a buyback authorization
            approved by the Board of Directors in fiscal year 2000,
            277,000 shares remain to be purchased.

            Results of Operations

                 Net sales increased $4,704,000 or 7% for the three
            months ended December 30, 2000 compared to the three months
            ended December 25, 1999. Excluding sales resulting from the
            acquisition of Uptown Bakeries, sales increased 4% compared
            to the year ago period.


            SNACK FOODS

                 Sales to food service customers increased $1,737,000
            or 7% in the first quarter to $27,977,000. Excluding Uptown
            Bakeries' sales, food service sales declined 1% from last
            year. Soft pretzel sales decreased $1,066,000 or 7% from
            last year to $14,370,000 in this year's quarter. Italian
            ice and frozen juice treat and dessert sales decreased 4%
            to $4,276,000 in the three months. Churro sales to food
            service customers increased 9% to $2,670,000 in the
            quarter. Cookie sales increased 31% to $3,704,000 from
            $2,818,000 last year.

                 Sales of products to retail supermarkets increased
            $3,488,000 or 49% in the first quarter.  Soft pretzel sales
            for the first quarter were up 23% to $6,774,000. Sales of
            the flagship SUPERPRETZEL brand soft pretzels, excluding
            SOFTSTIX, increased 23% in the first quarter. Softstix
            sales increased 52% to $1,194,000 from $787,000 last year.
            Sales of frozen juices and ices increased $2,146,000 or
            125% to $3,856,000 in the first quarter primarily due to
            sales of the Company's MINUTE MAID brand licensed products
            which were introduced in last year's second quarter.

                 Bakery sales decreased $656,000 or 8% to $7,455,000 in
            the first quarter due to decreased unit sales to one
            customer. Sales of our Bavarian Pretzel Bakery increased
            $230,000 or 6% to $3,964,000 in the quarter from last year
            due to an increase in the number of stores.

                 All of the snack foods sales' increase and decreases
            were due to changes in unit volume.


                 Frozen beverage and related product sales decreased
            $235,000 or 1% to $20,077,000 in the first quarter.
            Beverage sales alone increased 1% to $17,176,000 although
            gross profit on beverage sales decreased 2%.  Service and
            lease revenue increased $418,000 or 20% from the first
            quarter of fiscal year 2001 due primarily to service
            provided to one customer.



                 Gross profit as a percentage of sales was 49% in both
            years' first quarter.

                 Total operating expenses increased $3,865,000 in the
            first quarter and as a percentage of sales increased to
            49% from 47% in last year's same quarter.  Marketing
            expenses increased to 35% of sales from 32% in last year's
            first quarter.  Distribution expenses and administrative
            expenses as a percent of sales remained at 9% and 4%,
            respectively, compared to last year.  The increase in
            marketing expenses as a percent of sales is due primarily
            to lower frozen beverage sales and food service sales
            (excluding sales from Uptown Bakeries) combined with higher
            frozen beverage and food service marketing expenses and
            higher sales to retail supermarkets as a percentage of the
            Company's overall sales.

                 An operating loss of $438,000 in this year's first
            quarter compared to operating income of $1,534,000 in last
            year's quarter.

                 Interest expense increased $100,000 from last year's
            quarter to $786,000 this year due primarily to debt
            incurred to acquire Uptown Bakeries.

                 The effective income tax rate has been estimated at
            37% this year compared to 37% in last year's quarter.

                 A net loss of $693,000 in this year's first quarter
            compared to net earnings of $666,000 in the year ago

            Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About
                    Market Risk

                   There has been no material change in the Company's
            assessment of its sensitivity to market risk since its
            presentation set forth, in item 7a.  "Quantitative and
            Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk," in its 1998
            annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC.


                           Part II.  OTHER INFORMATION

            Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

                   a)  Exhibits - None

                   b)  Reports on Form 8-K - There were no reports
                       on Form 8-K for the three months ended
                       December 30, 2000.



                 Pursuant  to  the  requirements  of  the  Securities
            Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this
            report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned
            thereunto duly authorized.

                                          J & J SNACK FOODS CORP.

            Dated:  January 29, 2001      /s/ Gerald B. Shreiber
                                          Gerald B. Shreiber

            Dated:  January 29, 2001      /s/ Dennis G. Moore
                                          Dennis G. Moore
                                          Senior Vice President and
                                          Chief Financial Officer
